13 December 2008

Christmas Comes to Kos

We notice the lights going up around town and each night it looks prettier. We hear that the Xmas tree is going to be lit up in the town square tonight at 6.30 pm so go along on our bicycles to join in the fun and festivities.

It has been a glorious winter day with hot sunshine and no wind (for a change). Tonight it is crisp and cool but not too cold.

The moon comes up over the castle behind the Turkish Minaret in the town square as the town brass band plays Xmas carols which we all sing along to. The children are queuing up to have their faces painted. The crowd counts down in Greek and the Xmas tree lights up. Light projectors spread a kalaidescope of moving lights in star shapes around the buildings.

We stop to take photos of Santa with the children but are not too impressed with his beard.

Tomorrow is going to be a market day in the town square with lots of people selling their home made crafts and xmas gifts.

We take photos of the crowds and festivities including a wonderful carousel, then ride home on our bikes for dinner and an early night. We have been up late last night (1.30am this morning!) at the Yacht Cafe, attending the regular Friday night quiz night.

The market day consists of lots of stalls loaded with Greek home made delicacies and colourful home made xmas decorations. We buy small round Greek sweets which are like deep fried honey and batter with cinnamon - by the time we have finished those up we feel quite sick.. oink oink!


Unknown said...

Two little piggies!

annbray said...

Richard & Philippa
Merry Christmas from the Shore. Have thouroughly enjoyed keeping up with all most interesting escapades. Well Done. Have a great day. Luv Ann % Col Bray

Unknown said...

Where are you? Have you hands frozen Pippa?