Nothing tastes quite as good as that first cup of tea in the morning on board Matelot, especially since the purchase of a Turkish white porcelain teapot. It took quite a bit of thought to decide on this teapot. Not too big or too small, not too tall or too short or fat or thin. It was the second choice before another more contemporary model, but on being told she would have to buy 12, Pippy settled for the more traditional shape of the second choice. The Turkish porcelain is white, solid and somehow comforting. Whilst one has to treat it with reasonable respect, it does not chip easily.
It takes real discipline though, to drink it while it is hot and steaming fresh from the pot. This morning it was cold by the time yesterday’s shorts and shirt were hung out to dry – they took a full frontal hit from a wave over the boat. They will be dry in 20 minutes in the 9.30am already roasting, morning sun. Yes, we did rather sleep in this morning – such a sound and untroubled sleep – delicious!
Then there was the broken (off the deck and lying in the gunnel) dorade to repair and screw back into place. It was knocked off its perch by a flapping genoa sheet. We are astounded by the flimsy fixings and put a note on our maintenance list to modify these two deck vents.
Yesterday’s passage from Marmaris to Simi starts at 5.55am, with us motoring out through the narrow entrance, looking backwards to say farewell forever to this familiar place. The engine sounds great as she hums along. We do wonder how the boat will sail with the added stainless steel arch and solar panels and look forward to the day ahead, our first of this year’s cruising.
Dirsek is our destination, north of Bozburun. We have heard it is a truly lovely spot. By around 1.30pm the small harbour opens up in front of us – blue blue water and rocky ground with ancient olive trees growing close to the water’s edge. We swing at anchor for 3 hours but decide the holding does not reassure us enough here as the afternoon north westerly blow begins to push its way into the bay. Many boats are anchored and tied stern-to ashore but we decide to more on to Pethi on Simi Island where we can be sure of an anchorage with flat water.
A very boisterous sail awaits us and Matelot does not feel any different according to Richard. In fact if anything, she is sailing better than before due to adjustments made to the rig.
Suddenly we are back in time to 2008/2009 and it feels like no time at all has passed in between. Our time in NZ happened in another life... how strange.
Just over one hour later as we motor in to Pethi we spot SY Fabiola and are invited by Alistair and Pam for ‘drinks’ at 6 pm, where we are introduced to Chris and Elaine on SY Pacific Blue, and Bruno and Judy on ‘Ginny’. The meeting and networking has begun again.
By 8.30 pm we have to make a hasty departure as the wind is up with fierce gusts coming over the hill. Several boats have dragged their anchors. One heart-stopping moment earlier we watch helplessly as a large out of control yacht flies towards SY Ginny while its sole occupant frantically tries to get the engine going. Just in time he motors away. Now SY Matelot looks as though she is on the move so we get back on board, re-anchor and settle down to dinner with Richard on anchor watch and the gusts screaming through.
By 10pm all is quiet and calm again... its been a busy day!

Today Wed 13 July, its difficult to imagine more perfect conditions. We have motored out through the north passage from Simi Island and set sails for another favourite spot, Palamutbuku. We are slipping along on a beam reach, very flat sea and gentle breeze... wonderful. Richard is writing up the log while Pippy enjoys the luxury of writing. Lunch of egg, cheese and tomato lettuce sandwiches glued together with home made humus, on village flat bread, awaits us when our appetite calls. The fridge is packed full of good food and cold beer.

Palamutbuku slowly draws closer.

...and here we are in this magical place again. We do love it. We speculate that one day it will be the site of a huge marina, but at this stage it is still the unspoilt fishing village, popular resort for Turkish people in the summer.
On arrival, within a short time, a woman arrives offering items for sale. Pippy stocks up on dried oregano, sage (for tea), chamomile flowers and tea, mint and bay leaves.
It is hot... so very hot. We swim and Richard sleeps while Pippy potters. At 6.30 pm we start to talk about going for a walk to see our old friend Altan at Merhaba Restaurant. We sit outside under the trees on the water's edge and enjoy a cold ....? yes you got it "water". Before we know it we are feeling hungry and we order some food. Altan wants to know how Richard wants his steak. Quickly Richard quips back.... "Medium rare like you Altan" there is a moment of pause and Altan replies... "I am well done Richard...!" It is a true 'you had to be there moment'.
We must close this blog now and send love and thoughts to all of our family and friends in NZ. We miss you and think of you every day. We want to share our joy with you. xxxx
Always interesting!
And now you are on your way - we wish you great sailing. Love Pam and John
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